Pictures: Will Poulter attends an event the night before 2014 White House Correspondents’ Dinner

[ Written on May 03 2014 by Tanea ]

Will attended an event yesterday hosted by Dom Perignon and Eric Podwall to celebrate the White House Correspondents’ Dinner tonight. Will is attending the dinner–view my post from yesterday for more information! Will is pictured with fellow English actor Jeremy Irvine, among others. View the photos in full size in the gallery.

Dom Perignon And Eric Podwall Host The Evening Before The White House Correspondents' DinnerDom Perignon And Eric Podwall Host The Evening Before The White House Correspondents' DinnerDom Perignon And Eric Podwall Host The Evening Before The White House Correspondents' DinnerDom Perignon And Eric Podwall Host The Evening Before The White House Correspondents' Dinner

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